
Monday, July 18, 2016

Pink kitty face painting mask FOTD

When it comes to painting cats I prefer to paint mask style designs for a few reasons.

1. I feel like they are sexier on women. They take on sort of a venetian style or feel and cats always make women feel playful and sexy.

2. They look adorable on kids. Enough said. Kitty or Tiger masks win hands down as adorableness overload every time.

3. There is less of a chance of messing it up. How often have you painted a full face Tiger and the child immediately presses their lips together before the paint has dried and ruins the lips? When you skip the muzzle kids can still eat and look cute through the entire party.

4. Speed. Masks are always great when you have a ton of designs to paint. I am not by any means a super fast painter in fact, I prefer to stay between 10-15 designs per hour but, I can tell you this, skipping the muzzle means cutting the time by at least a quarter and you still get a wow from everyone when you're done.

Those are my reasons and of course if you've ever taken one of my face painting classes you will remember me saying "Always complete the look".  Don't forget to line the eyes and add a pretty lip color to match if it will complete the look of your design.

 In this design I used a multi media technique which I always tend to do because I feel like I can get a more dimensional look when I mix makeup mediums.

 Here I used not only aqua paints but, eyeshadows, pigments and glitters (Glitter used here is Violeta by Sugar Face and Body Art) and yes before you even ask I do this on the job too. It only takes a few seconds to add a pretty pigment on top of or instead of water activated makeup.  I hope you enjoy this look and are inspired to create your own version.

Happy Painting my friends,


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Snap   Shawna Del Real