Monday, August 22, 2011

Butterfly Fairy Tutorial

Frustrated by some of the "Make-up" tutorials out there today. I decided to create my own. It's really not necessary to use 10 different eyeshadows and 10 different eyeliners to create a wonderful Halloween or Mardi Gras mask. It's much easier and simpler to use cosmetic face paints.

In this Tutorial I used the following products:
Diamond FX Metallic Pink
TG pearl Lilac
DIamond FX White
Diamnod FX Black
MAC pigment in GOLD
MAC Pigment in Pearl Pink
Pink Cosmetic glitter
Loew Cornell 7000 series # 4

 You can watch the Video here: If you like it, Please rate,subscribe and comment on the video not here on my blog. If I get requests I will try to make more videos for you. Thanks for watching. Much Love, Shawna

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