About 2 months ago I painted this sugar skull on myself. The response from everyone was so awesome. I wasn't expecting it at all in fact, Heather Banks from Sillyfarm noticed it and asked if she could use it on the website for the month of October. Of course I said yes, what an honor it is for the CEO of the largest Face Paint supply website in the United States to notice your work.
I love clicking over there and seeing my face there. When I'm feeling insecure about my work I will save this image and look back at it. I don't think I'll ever feel like my work is that great. I always feel as if there is so much more to learn. If I ever stop learning it will be time to leave this business.
Anyway I do hope you enjoy this Sugar skull or Calavera. I used the Ben Nye lumieres palette, Wolfe White and Deep Raspberry, Starblend black and White and Mehron Celebre pro foundation.
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